JavaScript Actions
ShopWP allows you to hook into various plugin events with the built-in JavaScript actions. For example, detect a variant selection or manually open the cart.
To get started, follow our Using JavaScript Hooks guide first.
Any action name that begins with on
are events that you can listen to. When the event happens, the code you provide in the callback function will run. Any action name that begins with do
, will allow you to make an event "happen".
Detect when the items (products, or collections) are finished loading
Parameter | Description |
payload (object) | Represents the product or collection data |
settings (object) | Represents the settings used for the component |
wp.hooks.addAction('on.itemsLoad', 'shopwp', function (payload, settings) {
console.log('on.itemsLoad', payload)
Detect when the cart is opened and closed.
Parameter | Description |
isOpen (bool) | Represents whether the cart is open or not. |
wp.hooks.addAction('on.cartToggle', 'shopwp', function (isOpen) {
console.log('on.cartToggle', isOpen)
Detect when the cart is done loading. Useful if you wish to hook into any cart state.
Parameter | Description |
cartState (object) | Represents the full cart state |
wp.hooks.addAction('on.cartLoad', 'shopwp', function (cartState) {
console.log('on.cartLoad', cartState)
This hook will fire whenever the cart state changes. Useful if you need to know when the user adds a line item, removes a line item, changes quantity, etc.
Parameter | Description |
cartState (object) | Represents the full cart state |
wp.hooks.addAction('on.cartUpdate', 'shopwp', function (cartState) {
console.log('on.cartUpdate', cartState)
This action will fire when the user types inside the note field. The action is debounced by 250ms
Parameter | Description |
note (string) | Represents the full cart state |
wp.hooks.addAction('on.cartNoteChange', 'shopwp', function (note) {
console.log('on.cartNoteChange', note)
This action runs when the checkout redirect begins.
Parameter | Description |
cartState (object) | Represents the full cart state |
wp.hooks.addAction('on.checkout', 'shopwp', function (cartState) {
console.log('on.checkout', cartState)
Detect when a line item is removed from the cart.
Parameter | Description |
lineItem (object) | Represents the line item data |
variantId (string) | Represents the id of the variant added to the cart |
function (lineItem, variantId) {
console.log('on.lineItemRemove :: lineItem ', lineItem)
console.log('on.lineItemRemove :: variantId ', variantId)
This action runs before the network request responsible for fetching the product data.
Parameter | Description |
itemsState (object) | Represents the global state of the product |
wp.hooks.addAction('on.beforePayloadUpdate', 'shopwp', function (itemsState) {
console.log('on.beforePayloadUpdate', itemsState)
This action runs after the network request responsible for fetching the product data.
Parameter | Description |
itemsState (object) | Represents the global state of the product |
wp.hooks.addAction('on.afterPayloadUpdate', 'shopwp', function (itemsState) {
console.log('on.afterPayloadUpdate', itemsState)
This action runs after a single variant is selected
Parameter | Description |
selectedOption (object) | Represents the selected option |
productOptionState (object) | Represents the product option state |
function (selectedOption, productOptionState) {
console.log('on.variantsSelection', selectedOption, productOptionState)
This action runs after all variants are selected
Parameter | Description |
variant (object) | Represents the variant data |
wp.hooks.addAction('on.allVariantsSelected', 'shopwp', function (variant) {
console.log('on.allVariantsSelected', variant)
This action runs before the product is added to the cart
Parameter | Description |
productState (object) | Represents the product state data |
wp.hooks.addAction('on.beforeAddToCart', 'shopwp', function (productState) {
console.log('on.beforeAddToCart', productState)
This action runs after a product is added to the cart
Parameter | Description |
lineItems (object) | Represents the line items that were added to the cart |
cartState (object) | Represents the new cart state |
function (lineItems, cartState) {
console.log('on.afterAddToCart', lineItems, cartState)
This action runs when a variant dropdown is opened
Parameter | Description |
productOptionState (object) | Represents the product option state |
function (productOptionState) {
console.log('on.variantDropdownToggle', productOptionState)
Allows for hooking into the ShopWP syncing status. Will run every three seconds.
Will only run in the backend.
Parameter | Description |
syncState (object) | Contains the full state of the sync |
wp.hooks.addAction('on.syncStatus', 'shopwp', function (syncState) {
console.log('syncState', syncState)
Runs after the Buy Button component has fully rendered. Useful for attaching DOM events to elements within the buy button component.
Parameter | Description |
productState (object) | Contains the full state of the product |
function (payload, settings) {
jQuery('#text-input-1').on('input', function (element) {
// On input change
Allows you to programmatically add a variant to the ShopWP cart.
Parameter | Description |
lines (array) | Represents the line items to add. Corresponds to the available fields on the Shopify CartLineInput object. Must be an array of objects which contain the required fields: quantity , merchandiseId . |
quantity - (Required) - How many items to add | |
merchandiseId - (Required) - The variant id to add | |
sellingPlanId - (optional) - (Optional) - The selling plan id if a subscription product | |
attributes - (optional) - Any attributes to add to the line item. Must be an array of objects containing key and value properties. | |
language (string) | (Optional) - Represents the ISO language code for the line items. Allows for translating product content. |
country (string) | (Optional) - Represents the ISO country code for the line items. Allows for converting the product currency. |
extras (object) | (Optional) - Contains a variety of extra features when adding to cart. The following parameters are available: |
openCartAfterAdding - (boolean) - Determines whether the cart opens after adding |
var params = {
lines: [
quantity: 2,
merchandiseId: 22221680050224,
sellingPlanId: 449118256, // optional
attributes: [], // optional
language: 'EN', // optional
country: 'US', // optional
extras: {
openCartAfterAdding: true, // optional
wp.hooks.doAction('do.addToCart', params)
Allows you to manually open or close the cart
Parameter | Description |
open (string) | Determines whether the cart will open or close. Available values are: open and close . |
// Open the cart
wp.hooks.doAction('do.cartToggle', 'open')
// Close the cart
wp.hooks.doAction('do.cartToggle', 'close')
Allows for adding or updating custom attributes to the cart as whole. This will merge any existing attributes with the ones you set here. Useful if you have multiple different attributes that you want to set globally on the order itself.
The attributes you pass will be attached to the order data and viewable within the Shopify admin interface.
If you want to add attributes to a single lineitem, see cart.lineItemAttributes
Parameter | Description |
attributes (object) | Represents the cart attributes to be added. Must be an array containing objects with key and value properties. The value property must be a string. |
options (object) | An optional configuration object that allows you to specify certain settings such as opening the cart while updating. Available keys are: |
openCartAfter - (boolean) - Whether the ShopWP cart opens during the update |
const attributes = [
key: 'keyOne',
value: 'valueOne',
key: 'keyTwo',
value: 'valueTwo',
wp.hooks.doAction('do.updateCartAttributes', attributes)
You can also pass a second parameter to the action which specifies an options object.
For example, here we tell the action to open the cart while the attributes are being
added to the cart.
const attributes = [
key: 'keyOne',
value: 'valueOne',
key: 'keyTwo',
value: 'valueTwo',
wp.hooks.doAction('do.updateCartAttributes', attributes, {
openCart: true,
Allows for manually removing line items from the cart. The line item id is a base64 encoded string in this format: gid://shopify/ProductVariant/31741627072560
Parameter | Description |
lineItemIds (array) | Represents an array of line item ids to be removed. |
var lineItemIds = [
wp.hooks.doAction('do.removeLineItems', lineItemIds)
Allows for manually setting the cart note.
Parameter | Description |
customNote (string) | Represents the cart note. Must be a string. |
var customNote = 'This is a custom note'
wp.hooks.doAction('do.setCartNote', customNote)
Allows for manually setting a discount code to the cart.
Parameter | Description |
discountCode (string) | Represents the discount code. Must be a string. |
var discountCode = 'CUSTOM_DISCOUNT_CODE'
wp.hooks.doAction('do.setCartDiscount', discountCode)
Allows for manually rendering a component
Allows for manually checking / unchecking the cart terms checkbox. Can also be used to enable / disable the checkout button based on your own criteria.
Parameter | Description |
isChecked (boolean) | Whether the terms checkbox should be checked. Default false |
// Check the terms box
wp.hooks.doAction('do.toggleCartTerms', true)
// Uncheck the terms box
wp.hooks.doAction('do.toggleCartTerms', false)
Allows for creating a manual cart session and programmatically sending customers to the Shopify checkout page.
Simply pass a checkout object to customize which products are added, quantities, any discount codes, etc.
Parameter | Description |
lines (array) | A JavaScript array containing information about each lineitem. Should be an array of objects with this format: |
note (string) | Represents a note added to the order. |
discountCodes (array) | You can optionally pass one or more discount codes to the order. The discounts need to be already added inside Shopify to work. |
attributes (array) | A JavaScript array containing a list of custom attributes in this format: |
settings (object) | A JavaScript object containing a list of settings for the checkout. Available settings are linkTarget (Determines if the checkout should open in same tab or new) |
wp.hooks.doAction('do.directCheckout', {
lines: [
attributes: [],
merchandiseId: 'gid://shopify/ProductVariant/31741651517488',
quantity: 2,
note: 'This is a custom note',
discountCodes: ['FREE'],
attributes: false,
settings: {
linkTarget: '_blank',
Unlike do.directCheckout
above, this hook will redirect the browser to the Shopify checkout page.
It simply uses the current state of the ShopWP cart at the moment of calling the hook.
Allows for manually fetching new product data
Allows for programmatically updating the "buyer identity" associated with the Shopify cart session.
The buyer identity controls things like, email, phone, company info, etc. A full list of possible arguments can be found here.
Note: while this hook will properly pass information like customer email to the Shopify checkout page, it will not log the user in if theyβre not already logged in. In this case, it will simply pre-fill the email on the checkout page.
You can pass the customerAccessToken
property to authenticate a user to a checkout.
Parameter | Description |
buyerIdentity (object) | A JavaScript object containing the buyer identity. Use the same parameters outlined in the Shopify documentation |
Example Pass a user's email to the checkout page
wp.hooks.doAction('do.updateBuyerIdentity', {
email: '',