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PHP Functions

These PHP functions allow you to programmatically fetch raw Shopify data.

Things to know​

Before using these functions, keep in mind ...

  1. These functions will make a network request the first time they run. The payload will then be cached for any consecutive calls only if the ShopWP cache is enabled.
  2. If a cached payload is found, these functions will return the cached version instead—skipping the network request. If you notice the data is stale, make sure to clear the ShopWP cache.


Allows you to fetch a single product by post_id, product_id, or storefront_id.

You must pass one of the below keys to the $params argument:


Additional fields you can pass:


Note: If you pass the schema key, you can explicitly choose which product fields to return during the request. By default, all product fields will be returned. The full list of available fields can be found here.

$paramsAn array of query options

Example: Get product title and description by post id

$Products = ShopWP\Factories\API\Items\Products_Factory::build();
$post_id = 16563; // required

$result = $Products->get_product([
'post_id' => $post_id,
'schema' => '

Example: Get product images by storefront_id

$Products = ShopWP\Factories\API\Items\Products_Factory::build();
$storefront_id = 'gid://shopify/Product/2216988573744'; // required

$result = $Products->get_product([
'storefront_id' => $storefront_id,
'schema' => '

Example: Get a list of collections that belong to a product, by post id

$Products = ShopWP\Factories\API\Items\Products_Factory::build();
$post_id = 16563; // required

$result = $Products->get_product([
'post_id' => $post_id,
'schema' => '
collections(first: 250) {
edges {
node {


Allows you to fetch multiple products by using a Shopify search query.

get_products() takes a single configuration parameter as an array. This parameter accepts the below keys:

queryDetermines which products to search for. You can pass any complex search query as long as it follows the rules of the Shopify search syntax. This property is required.
page_sizeSets how many products to show per page of results.
reverseWhether to reverse the order of the results
sort_byDetermines how the returned products should be sorted. Uses the same values from the sort_by shortcode attribute.
schemaAllows for determining which product fields are returned. Useful if you only need a couple fields like id or title.
languageAllows for receiving translated content. Accepts a language code, e.g.: EN, ES, etc.
countryAllows for converting product prices. Accepts a country code, e.g.: US, MX, etc.

Note: If you pass the schema key, you can explicitly choose which product fields to return during the request. By default, all product fields will be returned. The full list of available fields can be found here.

Example: Get all products.

$Products = ShopWP\Factories\API\Items\Products_Factory::build();

$result = $Products->get_products([
'query' => '*'

Example: Get all products with the tag book.

$Products = ShopWP\Factories\API\Items\Products_Factory::build();

$result = $Products->get_products([
'query' => 'tag:book'

Example: Get all products from the collection "super" and only return the product id and title.

$Products = ShopWP\Factories\API\Items\Products_Factory::build();

$result = $Products->get_products([
'query' => 'collection:super',
'page_size' => 12,
'schema' => '


Allows you to fetch products by one or more collection ids.

The $params argument requires that you pass the collection_ids key.

If you pass the schema key, you can explicitly choose which product fields to return during the request. By default, all product fields will be returned. The full list of available fields can be found here.

Additional fields you can pass:


Note: If you pass the schema key, you can explicitly choose which product fields to return during the request. By default, all product fields will be returned. The full list of available fields can be found here.

$paramsAn array of query options

Example: Get products from two collections

$Products = ShopWP\Factories\API\Items\Products_Factory::build();

$result = $Products->get_products_by_collection_ids([
'collection_ids' => [164430086192, 159962693680],
'page_size' => 40,
'sort_by' => 'collection_default',
'schema' => '


Allows for fetching one or more collections using a Shopify search query.

get_collections() takes a single configuration parameter as an array. This parameter accepts the below keys:

queryDetermines which collections to search for. You can pass any complex search query as long as it follows the rules of the Shopify search syntax. This property is required.
page_sizeSets how many collections to show per page of results.
reverseWhether to reverse the order of results
sort_byDetermines how the returned collections should be sorted. Uses the same values from the sort_by shortcode attribute.
schemaAllows for determining which collection fields are returned. Useful if you only need a couple fields like image or title.
languageAllows for receiving translated content. Accepts a language code, e.g.: EN, ES, etc.
countryAllows for converting collection prices. Accepts a country code, e.g.: US, MX, etc.

Note: If you pass the schema key, you can explicitly choose which collection fields to return. By default, all collection fields will be returned. The full list of available fields can be found here.

Example: Get all collections.

$Collections = ShopWP\Factories\API\Items\Collections_Factory::build();

$result = $Collections->get_collections([
'query' => '*'

Example: Get collection with the title Super and only return the image.

$Collections = ShopWP\Factories\API\Items\Collections_Factory::build();

$result = $Collections->get_collections([
'query' => 'title:Super',
'schema' => '


Allows for fetching multiple Shopify orders at once using a Shopify search query.

get_orders() takes a single configuration parameter as an array. This parameter accepts the below keys:

query(Required) Determines which orders to search for. You can pass any complex search query that follows the Order filter syntax.
page_sizeDetermines how many orders to return.
reverseWhether to reverse the order of the results
sort_byDetermines how the orders should be sorted. Refer to the OrderSortKeys for a full list.
schemaAllows for customizing which order fields are returned. Useful if you only need a couple fields like id or lineItems.

Note: If you pass the schema key, you can explicitly choose which order fields to return during the request. By default, a curated list of order fields will be returned. The full list of available fields can be found here.

Example: Get orders from a specific user email.

$Orders = ShopWP\Factories\API\Items\Orders_Factory::build();

$params = [
'query' => ''

$result = $Orders->get_orders($params);

Example: Get orders from a specific user email and only return the fields name, email, and tags.

$Orders = ShopWP\Factories\API\Items\Orders_Factory::build();

$params = [
'query' => '',
'schema' => '

$result = $Orders->get_orders($params);


This allows you to fetch the Shopify Storefront Access Token from the database. Useful if you need to integrate with other apps or interact with the Shopify API directly.

$DB_Connection = \ShopWP\Factories\DB\Settings_Connection_Factory::build();

$token = $DB_Connection->get_storefront_access_token();