The ShopWP products shortcode allows you to display one or more products in a list or grid. This is perfect for filtering and sorting products.
While you can show a single product using this shortcode, the real power comes from showing a general list of products. You can filter and sort your products in various combinations. For example, you can choose to display products from a single collection using the collection attribute. Or, combine different filtering groups to search for very a specific combination such as tag and vendor.
Every attribute below can also be used with the following shortcodes:
- [wps_products_title]
- [wps_products_pricing]
- [wps_products_gallery]
- [wps_products_description]
- [wps_products_buy_button]
Shortcode Examples​
// Display products from a collection named Featured
[wps_products collection="featured"]
// Displays the cheapest 10 products
[wps_products sort_by="price" limit="10"]
// Displays products in rows of 5, sorted by best selling
[wps_products items_per_row="5" sort_by="best_selling"]
// Link products to the Shopify detail pages and show only the featured image
[wps_products link_to="shopify" show_featured_only="true"]
Available Attributes​
Attribute | Default | Description |
title | false | Display products based on one or more product titles |
tag | false | Display products based on one or more product tags |
vendor | false | Display products based on one or more product vendors |
collection | false | Display products from one or more collections |
product_type | false | Display products based on one or more product types |
available_for_sale | false | Display products based on their availability |
product_id | false | Display products based on one or more product ids |
post_id | false | Display products based on one or more WordPress post id(s) |
query | false | Use a custom query to filter products |
query_exclude | false | Allows for excluding certain products from the list of products |
sort_by | false | Determines the sort order when displaying multiple products |
reverse | false | Reverse the order of products |
page_size | 10 | Determines the number of products to show per page |
limit | false | Limits the overall number of products that show |
connective | false | Determines how the products are found when filtering |
subscriptions | false | Determines whether to enable subscriptions for the specific product |
subscriptions_select_on_load | false | Whether to automatically select subscriptions on load |
subscriptions_details_text | See below | This will be the text that shows in the subscription tooltip |
subscriptions_details_heading | How subscriptions work: | The tooltip heading text |
subscriptions_details_label | Subscription details | The subscriptions details text |
subscriptions_hide_onetime | false | Whether to always hide the "one time" subscription option |
keep_commas | false | Whether to search products with commas in their title |
direct_checkout | false | Allows for linking customers directly to the Shopify checkout process |
align_height | false | Attempts to "align" the height of products when displayed in a grid |
grid_column_gap | false | Specifies the space between products This is useful when showing products in a grid layout |
html_template | false | Specifies a custom template to be used for the product html |
show_price_under_variant_button | false | Show the price under each variant button |
show_images_carousel | false | Determines whether to show the product images as a carousel |
image_carousel_thumbs | false | Determines whether to show the product thumbnails within an images carousel |
variant_style | false | Determines the visual style of the product variant controls |
hide_quantity | false | Determines whether to hide the product quantity input |
show_variant_button_labels | true | Determines whether to show or hide the label text of each product option above the buttons. For example "Color" or "Size". |
show_pricing_above_add_to_cart_button | false | Determines whether to show the pricing component above the add to cart button or not. Default false . |
min_quantity | false | Sets a "minimum" number to the quantity field |
max_quantity | false | Sets a "maximum" number to the quantity field |
excludes | false | Allows for excluding certain product components like the title, description, etc |
with_search | false | Allows for showing a search field for the products |
items_per_row | false | Determines how many products will appear in each row |
show_price_range | false | Determines whether to show price ranges for each product |
show_compare_at | false | Determines whether to show the compare at price for each product |
quantity_label_text | false | Customizes the label text next to the quantity input field |
show_featured_only | false | Determines whether to only show the product feature image |
show_zoom | false | Determines whether to enable product image zooming |
pagination | false | Determines whether to hide or show pagination |
pagination_load_more_button_color | #415aff | Determines the color of the load more button |
pagination_load_more_text | Load more | Determines the text of the load more button |
no_results_text | false | The text to show when no products are found |
description_length | false | Determines how long the product description should be in characters |
infinite_scroll | false | When turned on, the next page of items will automatically append to the container |
infinite_scroll_offset | false | Determines the offset from the edge of the items container |
full_width | false | When set to true , will force the product to span the width of its container |
link_to | false | Allows for determining where products link to, if anywhere |
link_to_url | false | Allows for setting a custom URL that the product should link to |
link_target | false | Allows for determining whether links open in a new tab or not Default: _self |
link_with_buy_button | false | Determines whether to show the buy button controls when linking |
carousel | false | Allows for showing products in a carousel style |
carousel_dots | false | Determines whether to show the carousel dots or not |
carousel_infinite | false | Determines whether to continue sliding through products endlessly |
carousel_autoplay | false | Determines whether to start the carousel automatically on page load |
carousel_autoplay_speed | 3000 | Determines how fast the carousel will rotate when autoplay is turned on. Defaults to 3 seconds. |
carousel_speed | 500 | Determines the carousel speed |
carousel_slides_to_show | 4 | Determines the number of carousel slides to show at once |
carousel_slides_to_scroll | 4 | Determines the number of carousel slides to scroll at once |
carousel_prev_arrow | false | Allows to specifying a custom "previous slide" arrow icon |
carousel_next_arrow | false | Allows to specifying a custom "next slide" arrow icon |
images_align | false | Allows for determining how the featured image is positioned horizontally |
images_show_next_on_hover | false | Determines whether to show the next image when hovering over the featured image |
images_lazy_load | true | Determines whether to lazy load the images using the loading attribute |
images_sizing_toggle | false | Determines whether to enable custom image sizing |
images_sizing_width | false | Sets the width when using custom image sizing |
images_sizing_height | false | Sets the height when using custom image sizing |
images_sizing_scale | false | Sets a custom "scale" for the product images |
images_sizing_crop | false | Specifies a "crop" position for the image |
thumbnail_images_sizing_toggle | false | Whether to size the product thumbnails |
thumbnail_images_sizing_width | false | Sets the width of the product thumbnails |
thumbnail_images_sizing_height | false | The product thumbnail height |
thumbnail_images_sizing_scale | false | Sets a custom "scale" for the product thumbnails |
thumbnail_images_sizing_crop | false | Specifies a "crop" position for the thumbnail image |
show_out_of_stock_variants | false | Determines whether to show out of stock variants or not |
show_inventory_levels | false | Determines whether to show the inventory levels notice or not |
left_in_stock_threshold | false | Determines the threshold for showing the "left in stock" inventory notice |
cache_templates | false | Determines whether to cache the html template response |
container_width | false | Determines the product's max container width |
mobile_columns | false | Determines the number of columns to show on mobile |
select_first_variant | false | Allows for selecting the first product variant on page load |
reset_variants_after_adding | false | Determines whether to reset the variant selections after adding to cart |
with_sorting | false | Determines whether to show a sorting / filtering dropdown above the products |
with_page_size | false | Determines whether to show a page size dropdown above the products |
after_added_text | false | Determines the button text that shows after adding to cart |
clear_selections_text | false | Allows for customizing the "clear selections" text |
quantity_step | false | Allows for customizing the "quantity step" for the product quantity input |
color_swatch_names | false | Set the CSS color swatch names |
image_zoom_options | false | Allows for customizing the image zoom options |
show_sale_notice | false | Determines whether to show the "sale" notice on product images |
show_out_of_stock_notice | false | Determines whether to show the "out of stock" notice on products |
image_placeholder | false | Allows for customizing the product placeholder image |
title_class_name | false | Allows for adding a custom class name to the product title |
notice_unavailable_text | false | Allows for customizing the text shown when a product is unavailable to purchase |
out_of_stock_notice_text | false | Allows for customizing the "out of stock" message shown |
sale_label_text | Sale! | Allows for customizing the "sale" label text displayed on the product images |
sold_out_image_label_text | Sold out | Allows for customizing the "sold out" label text |
show_reviews | false | Whether to show reviews rating above the product title or not |
product_metafields | false | Allows for whitelisting certain product metafields to be returned in the JavaScript payload |
product_variant_metafields | false | Allows for whitelisting certain product variant metafields to be returned in the JavaScript payload |
title_color | #111111 | Customizes the background-color of an add to cart button |
title_type_font_family | false | Customizes the font-family of an add to cart button |
title_type_font_size | false | Customizes the font-size of an add to cart button |
title_type_font_style | false | Customizes the font-style of an add to cart button |
title_type_font_weight | false | Customizes the font-weight of an add to cart button |
title_type_letter_spacing | false | Customizes the letter-spacing of an add to cart button |
title_type_line_height | false | Customizes the line-height of an add to cart button |
title_type_text_decoration | false | Customizes the text-decoration of an add to cart button |
title_type_text_transform | false | Customizes the text-transform of the product's add to cart button |
pricing_color | false | Customizes the background-color of an add to cart button |
pricing_type_font_family | false | Customizes the font-family of an add to cart button |
pricing_type_font_size | false | Customizes the font-size of an add to cart button |
pricing_type_font_style | false | Customizes the font-style of an add to cart button |
pricing_type_font_weight | false | Customizes the font-weight of an add to cart button |
pricing_type_letter_spacing | false | Customizes the letter-spacing of an add to cart button |
pricing_type_line_height | false | Customizes the line-height of an add to cart button |
pricing_type_text_decoration | false | Customizes the text-decoration of an add to cart button |
pricing_type_text_transform | false | Customizes the text-transform of the product's add to cart button |
description_color | #111111 | Customizes the background-color of an add to cart button |
description_type_font_family | false | Customizes the font-family of an add to cart button |
description_type_font_size | false | Customizes the font-size of an add to cart button |
description_type_font_style | false | Customizes the font-style of an add to cart button |
description_type_font_weight | false | Customizes the font-weight of an add to cart button |
description_type_letter_spacing | false | Customizes the letter-spacing of the description |
description_type_line_height | false | Customizes the line-height of an add to cart button |
description_type_text_decoration | false | Customizes the text-decoration of the description |
description_type_text_transform | false | Customizes the text-transform of the description |
variant_dropdown_button_text_color | #FFFFFF | Customizes the text color of the variant dropdown |
variant_dropdown_type_font_family | false | Customizes the font-family of the variant dropdown |
variant_dropdown_type_font_size | false | Customizes the font-size of the variant dropdown |
variant_dropdown_type_font_style | false | Customizes the font-style of the variant dropdown |
variant_dropdown_type_font_weight | false | Customizes the font-weight of the variant dropdown |
variant_dropdown_type_letter_spacing | false | Customizes the letter-spacing of the variant dropdown |
variant_dropdown_type_line_height | false | Customizes the line-height of the variant dropdown |
variant_dropdown_type_text_decoration | false | Customizes the text-decoration of the variant dropdown |
variant_dropdown_type_text_transform | false | Customizes the text-transform of the variant dropdown |
variant_dropdown_button_color | #52a7a6 | Determines the variant dropdown color |
add_to_cart_button_text | Add to cart | Determines the buy button text |
add_to_cart_button_text_color | #FFFFFF | Determines the buy button text color |
add_to_cart_button_color | false | Customizes the background-color of an add to cart button |
add_to_cart_button_type_font_family | false | Customizes the font-family of an add to cart button |
add_to_cart_button_type_font_size | false | Customizes the font-size of an add to cart button |
add_to_cart_button_type_font_style | false | Customizes the font-style of an add to cart button |
add_to_cart_button_type_font_weight | false | Customizes the font-weight of an add to cart button |
add_to_cart_button_type_letter_spacing | false | Customizes the letter-spacing of an add to cart button |
add_to_cart_button_type_line_height | false | Customizes the line-height of an add to cart button |
add_to_cart_button_type_text_decoration | false | Customizes the text-decoration of an add to cart button |
add_to_cart_button_type_text_transform | false | Customizes the text-transform of an add to cart button |
dropzone_product_title | false | Customizes where the product title should display |
dropzone_product_pricing | false | Customizes where the product pricing component should display |
dropzone_product_description | false | Customizes where the product description component should display |
dropzone_product_gallery | false | Customizes where the product images component should display |
dropzone_product_buy_button | false | Customizes where the product buy button component should display |
dropzone_load_more | false | Allows for specifying a custom location in the DOM to place the pagination |
Display products based on one or more product titles. Comma-separate to display multiple products by title.
When filtering by title, ShopWP does not apply strict equality. It will return any product that "contains" the word. So if you have more than one product with the same group of words in the title, both will be returned.
If you want to filter with a strict equality use the post_id, product_id, or query attributes instead.
Possible values |
Any valid Shopify product title(s) |
// Display a product with the title "Example Product"
[wps_products title="Example Product"]
// Display two products
[wps_products title="Example Product 1, Example Product 2"]
Display products based on one or more product tags. Comma-separate to display products from multiple tags.
Possible values |
Any valid product tag(s) |
// Display products that contain "Tag A"
[wps_products tag="Tag A"]
// Display products that contain "Tag A" or "Tag B"
[wps_products tag="Tag A, Tag B"]
Display products based on one or more product vendors. Comma-separate to display products from multiple vendors.
Possible values |
Any valid product vendor(s) |
// Display products that contain "Vendor A"
[wps_products vendor="Vendor A"]
// Display products that contain "Vendor A" or "Vendor B"
[wps_products vendor="Vendor A, Vendor B"]
Display products from one or more collections. Comma-separate to display products from multiple collections.
Pagination will only work when filtering by one collection. If you want to filter by multiple, set the page_size attribute higher to compensate.
Possible values |
One or more collection title(s) |
// Display products from collection "Featured Products"
[wps_products collection="Featured Products"]
// Display products from collection "Featured Products" or "Games"
[wps_products collection="Featured Products, Games"]
Display products based on one or more product types. Comma-separate to display products from multiple product types.
Possible values |
Any valid product type(s) |
// Display products of Audiobook product types
[wps_products product_type="Audiobook"]
// Display products of Audiobook or Hardcover product types
[wps_products product_type="Audiobook, Hardcover"]
Display products based on their availability. Passing true
will only show products that are in stock. The default behavior is to show both in stock and out of stock products.
If you're filtering products by collection, you may also pass false
which means "show only out of stock products".
Possible values |
true |
false (collections only) |
any (default) |
Example: Only show products that are in-stock
[wps_products available_for_sale="true"]
Example: Only show products that are out-of-stock (only works when filtering by collection)
[wps_products available_for_sale="false"]
Display products based on one or more product ids. The product id can be found within your Shopify admin. Open the product edit screen and examine the URL in your browser's address bar. The numeric product id will be at the end.
For more information, Shopify has a tutorial you can follow here.
Possible values |
Any valid Shopify product id |
// Show product with id: "93283473232"
[wps_products product_id="93283473232"]
// Show products with ids: "2216928411696" or "93283473232"
[wps_products product_id="2216928411696, 93283473232"]
Display products based on one or more WordPress post id(s).
Possible values |
Any valid product post id |
// Show product with post id: "35421"
[wps_products post_id="35421"]
// Show products with post ids: "35421" or "35418"
[wps_products post_id="35421, 35418"]
Allows you to construct your own query based on the Shopify search syntax.
Possible values |
Any valid Shopify search criteria |
// List 5 products with the name "Caramel Apple", or products that have an inventory of over 500 items and less than or equal to 1000 items.
[wps_products query="(title:Caramel Apple) OR (inventory_total:>500 inventory_total:<=1000)"]
Allows you to exclude certain products from the list of products.
Note: this will only work if you're not filtering by a collection!
Possible values |
Comma seperated list of product ids (string) |
current (string) |
// Show products with tag "super", but also exclude products with id 123 and 456
[wps_products tag="super" query_exclude="123, 456"]
// Exclude the currently shown product. Only works when showing products in a product detail page template
[wps_products query_exclude="current"]
Determines the sort order when displaying multiple products.
Corresponds to the ProductSortKeys inside the Shopify API
Possible values |
title Default |
best_selling |
created_at |
id |
price |
product_type |
updated_at |
vendor |
collection_default (filter by collection only) |
manual (filter by collection only) |
created (filter by collection only) |
// Sort products by lowest price
[wps_products sort_by="price"]
// Sort products by highest price
[wps_products sort_by="price" reverse="true"]
// Sort products by best selling
[wps_products sort_by="best_selling"]
// Sort products alphabetically (A-Z)
[wps_products sort_by="title"]
// Sort products reverse alphabetically (Z-A)
[wps_products sort_by="title" reverse="true"]
Reverse the order of products. Useful when used in combination with sort_by.
Possible values |
true |
false |
// Low to high ($0 - $100)
[wps_products sort_by="price"]
// High to low ($100 - $0)
[wps_products sort_by="price" reverse="true"]
Determines the number of products to show per page. Only applicable when pagination is turned on.
Will default to the plugin's global "products per page" setting.
Possible values |
Any number |
// Shows 4 products per page
[wps_products page_size="4"]
Limits the overall number of products that show. Max limit is 250
Possible values |
Any number |
// Show two products per page, up to 10
[wps_products page_size="2" limit="10"]
// Only show one product
[wps_products limit="1"]
The connective attribute determines how the products are found when combining other filtering attributes.
For example, the below shortcode will only display products with both Tag 1
and Tag 2
[wps_products tag="Tag 1, Tag 2" connective="and"]
Possible values |
and |
or Default |
// Products with either title will show
[wps_products title="Awesome product, Even better product" connective="or"]
// Only products with both Tag1 and Tag2 will show
[wps_products tag="Tag1, Tag2" connective="and"]
Determines whether to enable subscriptions for the specific product.
Subscription functionality is only available with ShopWP Pro and the ShopWP Recharge extension.
Possible values |
true |
false Default |
Example Show the subscriptions widget
[wps_products subscriptions="true"]
Determines whether to auto select the subscription option when the product loads. This is useful if you provide both "one-time" and subscription options for your products.
This feature is only available with ShopWP Pro.
Possible values |
true |
false Default |
// Select the subscriptions option automatically when the product loads
[wps_products subscriptions_select_on_load="true"]
This will be the text that shows inside the subscriptions tooltip.
Possible values |
Any string of text |
[wps_products subscriptions_details_text="Custom tooltip text"]
This will be the text that shows as a heading for the subscriptions tooltip.
Possible values |
Any string of text |
[wps_products subscriptions_details_heading="Here's how our subscriptions work:"]
This will be the text that shows as a heading inside the subscriptions tooltip.
Possible values |
Any string of text |
[wps_products subscriptions_details_label="Subscription details"]
This allows you to hide the one-time subscription option manually.
Possible values |
true |
false Default |
[wps_products subscriptions_hide_onetime="true"]
By default, if you have a product with commas in the title, ShopWP will treat this as multiple different product titles. Setting keep_commas
to true will allow you to search products with commas in their title.
Possible values |
true |
false (default) |
[wps_products title="This, is my, product" keep_commas="true"]
Allows for linking customers directly to the Shopify checkout process. This will bypass the default ShopWP cart experience altogether.
This feature is only available with ShopWP Pro.
Possible values |
true |
false Default |
[wps_products direct_checkout="true"]
Attempts to "align" the height of products when displayed in a grid. This is useful if you want to keep the buy buttons on the same level.
Possible values |
true |
false (default) |
[wps_products align_height="true"]
Specifies the space between products. This is useful when showing products in a grid layout.
The value you set will be interpreted as pixels, so do not add the px
to the end. For example, if you want to set the space to 50 pixels, set the value to 50
, not 50px
Possible values |
Any number or false |
// Set the gutter between products to 50 pixels
[wps_products grid_column_gap="50"]
Specifies a custom template to be used for the product html. If displaying more than one product, this template will be used for each one in the list.
To learn how this attribute works, see our guide on using html templates.
This feature is only available with ShopWP Pro.
Possible values |
Any valid .php file name |
// Load a template named "custom-product.php" to be used
[wps_products html_template="custom-product.php"]
Determines whether to show the variant price next to the variant button. This will only work when the product has one available option.
This feature is only available with ShopWP Pro.
Possible values |
true |
false Default |
// Show the variant price next to the variant button
[wps_products show_price_under_variant_button="true"]
Determines whether to show the product images as a carousel. Default false
This feature is only available with ShopWP Pro.
Possible values |
true |
false Default |
// Align the featured image to the left
[wps_products show_images_carousel="true"]
Determines whether to show the product thumbnails within an images carousel.
_This feature only works when show_images_carousel
is set to true
Possible values |
true |
false Default |
[wps_products image_carousel_thumbs="true"]
Determines the visual style of the product variant controls. "Dropdowns" will show by default.
The buttons style is only available with ShopWP Pro.
Possible values |
dropdown Default |
buttons |
// Show variants as buttons instead of dropdowns
[wps_products variant_style="buttons"]
Determines whether to hide the product quantity input.
Possible values |
true |
false |
// Hide the quantity input
[wps_products hide_quantity="true"]
Determines whether to show the product variant button labels or not.
Possible values |
true |
false |
[wps_products show_variant_button_labels="false"]
Determines whether to show the product pricing above the add to cart button. This will hide the pricing from the original location.
Possible values |
true |
false (default) |
[wps_products show_pricing_above_add_to_cart_button="true"]
Sets a "minimum" number to the quantity field. The user will not be able to add less than this number to the cart at any given time.
[wps_products min_quantity="4"]
Sets a "maximum" number to the quantity field. The user will not be able to add more than this number to the cart at any given time.
[wps_products max_quantity="20"]
Allows for excluding certain product components like the title, description, etc. Takes a comma separated string of values.
Possible values |
images |
title |
pricing |
description |
buy-button |
// Don't show the title or pricing
[wps_products excludes="title, pricing"]
Allows for show a search field with the products
Possible values |
false (default) |
true |
// Don't show the title or pricing
[wps_products with_search="true"]
Determines how many products will appear in each row.
Possible values |
Any text string |
[wps_products items_per_row="5"]
When this is set to true
, the lowest price will be shown with a "From" label next to it.
Cannot be combined with show_compare_at. Must use one or the other.
Possible values |
true |
false |
[wps_products show_price_range="true"]
When this is set to true
, the sale price will be shown with a "Now" label next to it.
Note: this will only display if a variant is selected or if the product has only one variant.
Cannot be combined with show_price_range. Must use one or the other.
Possible values |
true |
false |
[wps_products show_compare_at="true"]
Customizes the label text next to the quantity input field.
Possible values |
Any text string |
[wps_products quantity_label_text="Custom quantity text"]
Determines whether to only show the product feature image. By default, all product images will show as thumbnails below the featured image.
Possible values |
true |
false |
[wps_products show_featured_only="true"]
Determines whether to enable product image zooming. When enabled, zoom will be triggered when the user clicks / taps on the featured image.
This feature will only work when link_to
is set to none
or modal
Possible values |
true |
false |
[wps_products show_zoom="true"]
Determines whether to hide or show pagination.
Possible values |
true |
false |
[wps_products pagination="false"]
The text to show when no products are found.
Possible values |
Any text string |
[wps_products no_results_text="Nothing found!"]
Determines how long the product description should be in characters. Useful for only showing a specific excerpt.
Possible values |
Number of characters to limit the description by |
[wps_products_description description_length="50"]
When turned on, the next page of items will automatically append to the container. Only works when pagination is used.
This feature is only available with ShopWP Pro.
Possible values |
true |
false |
[wps_products infinite_scroll="true"]
Determines the offset from the edge of the items container. For example, a value of -100
will begin loading additional items 100px before the end of the items container. Offset can be a positive or negative value.
This feature is only available with ShopWP Pro.
Possible values |
Any positive or negative number |
[wps_products infinite_scroll_offset="-100"]
When set to true
, will force the product to span the width of its container.
Possible values |
true |
false |
[wps_products full_width="true"]
Allows for determining where products link to, if anywhere.
If set to external
, you must also set the link_to_url
attribute to a valid URL.
Possible values |
none |
wordpress Default |
shopify |
modal |
external |
[wps_products link_to="none"]
Allows for setting a custom URL that the product should link to.
Possible values |
URL (string) |
[wps_products link_to="none" link_to_url="https://google.com"]
Allows for determining whether links open in a new tab or not. Default: _self
Possible values |
_self |
_blank |
[wps_products link_target="_blank"]
Allows for determining whether to show the buy button controls when linking to WordPress or Shopify. Default: false
Possible values |
true |
false |
[wps_products link_with_buy_button="true" link_to="wordpress"]
Allows for showing products in a carousel style.
This feature is only available with ShopWP Pro.
Possible values |
true |
false Default |
[wps_products carousel="true"]
Determines whether to show the carousel dots or not.
Possible values |
true Default |
false |
[wps_products carousel="true" carousel_dots="false"]
Determines whether to continue sliding through products endlessly.
Possible values |
true Default |
false |
[wps_products carousel="true" carousel_infinite="false"]
Determines whether to automatically start the carousel on page load.
Possible values |
true |
false Default |
[wps_products carousel="true" carousel_autoplay="true"]
Determines how fast the carousel will roate when carousel_autoplay
is turned on. Defaults to 3 seconds, or 3000
Possible values |
Any number in milliseconds. Default 3000 |
[wps_products carousel="true" carousel_autoplay="true" carousel_autoplay_speed="2000"]
Determines the carousel speed. Default: 500
Possible values |
Number of milliseconds |
[wps_products carousel="true" carousel_speed="1000"]
Determines the number of carousel slides to show at once. Default: 4
Possible values |
Number of slides to show |
[wps_products carousel="true" carousel_slides_to_show="3"]
Determines the number of carousel slides to scroll at once. Default: 4
Possible values |
Number of slides to scroll |
[wps_products carousel="true" carousel_slides_to_scroll="3"]
Allows to specifying a custom "previous slide" arrow icon. Defaults to a black arrow.
Possible values |
A URL to a custom icon, or any valid CSS image url prop like data uri |
[wps_products carousel="true" carousel_prev_arrow="https://mysite.com/pre_arrow.png"]
Allows to specifying a custom "next slide" arrow icon. Defaults to a black arrow.
Possible values |
A URL to a custom icon, or any valid CSS image url prop like data uri |
[wps_products carousel="true" carousel_next_arrow="https://mysite.com/pre_arrow.png"]
Allows for determining how the featured image is positioned horizontally.
Possible values |
left Default |
center |
right |
// Align the featured image to the left
[wps_products images_align="left"]
// Align the featured image to the right
[wps_products images_align="right"]
// Align the featured image to the center
[wps_products images_align="center"]
Determines whether to show the next image when hovering over the featured image.
This feature is only available with ShopWP Pro.
Possible values |
true |
false Default |
// Align the featured image to the left
[wps_products images_show_next_on_hover="true"]
Determines whether or not to lazy load the product images. Default true
Possible values |
true Default |
false |
// Don't lazy load images. Useful if images will display as above the fold content for performance boost
[wps_products images_lazy_load="false"]
Determines whether to enable custom image sizing. This must be set to true
before using the other image_sizing*
Possible values |
true |
false Default |
// Turn on custom image sizing
[wps_products images_sizing_toggle="true"]
Sets the width when using custom image sizing. You must set images_sizing_toggle to true
before using this attribute.
The value you set will be interpreted as pixels, so do not add the px
to the end. For example, if you want to set the width to 200px, set the value to 200
not 200px
Possible values |
Any number or false |
// Set the image width to 200px
[wps_products images_sizing_width="200"]
Sets the height when using custom image sizing. You must set images_sizing_toggle to true
before using this attribute.
The value you set will be interpreted as pixels, so do not add the px
to the end. For example, if you want to set the width to 200px, set the value to 200
not 200px
Possible values |
Any number or false |
// Set the image height to 300px
[wps_products images_sizing_height="300"]
Sets a custom "scale" for the product images. The number here will be multiplied by the width / height dimensions (if set). For example, an image originally 500x500
will return an image 1000x1000
pixels if scale is set to 2
Will only scale up if the original image is large enough. If original image is too small, the closest image in size will be returned.
Possible values |
None Default |
2 |
3 |
// Show an image twice as big
[wps_products images_sizing_scale="2"]
Specifies a "crop" position for the image. This is needed if the image is larger than the specified width / height dimensions. If the entire image won't fit in the requested dimensions, the crop parameter determines which part of the image to show.
Possible values |
None Default |
Top |
Center |
Bottom |
Left |
Right |
// Crop the image so the "top" part shows
[wps_products images_sizing_crop="top"]
// Crop the image in the center
[wps_products images_sizing_crop="center"]
Determines whether to enable custom image sizing for the product thumbnails. This must be set to true
before using the other thumbnail_images_sizing*
Possible values |
true |
false Default |
// Turn on custom thumbnail sizing
[wps_products thumbnail_images_sizing_toggle="true"]
Sets the width of the product thumbnails. You must set thumbnail_images_sizing_toggle to true
before using this attribute.
The value you set will be interpreted as pixels, so do not add the px
to the end. For example, if you want to set the width to 50px, set the value to 50
not 50px
Possible values |
Any number or false |
// Set the thumbnail width to 50px
[wps_products thumbnail_images_sizing_width="50"]
Sets the height of the product thumbnails. You must set thumbnail_images_sizing_toggle to true
before using this attribute.
The value you set will be interpreted as pixels, so do not add the px
to the end. For example, if you want to set the width to 50px, set the value to 50
not 50px
Possible values |
Any number or false |
// Set the thumbnail height to 50px
[wps_products thumbnail_images_sizing_height="50"]
Sets a custom "scale" for the product thumbnails. The number here will be multiplied by the width / height dimensions (if set). For example, a thumbnail originally 100x100
will return an thumbnail 200x200
pixels if scale is set to 2
Will only scale up if the original thumbnail is large enough. If original thumbnail is too small, the closest thumbnail in size will be returned.
Possible values |
None Default |
2 |
3 |
// Show an image twice as big
[wps_products images_sizing_scale="2"]
Specifies a "crop" position for the thumbnail image. This is needed if the thumbnail is larger than the specified width / height dimensions. If the entire thumbnail won't fit in the requested dimensions, the crop parameter determines which part of the thumbnail to show.
Possible values |
None Default |
Top |
Center |
Bottom |
Left |
Right |
// Crop the thumbnail so the "top" part shows
[wps_products thumbnail_images_sizing_crop="top"]
// Crop the thumbnail in the center
[wps_products thumbnail_images_sizing_crop="center"]
Determines whether to show out of stock variants or not. By default, the plugin will not show out of stock variants.
If you set this to true
, the buy button controls will show instead of an out of stock notice.
Possible values |
true |
false Default |
// Show out of stock variants
[wps_products show_out_of_stock_variants="true"]
Determines whether to show the inventory levels notice or not.
This works best if your variant has the Track quantity feature enabled.
Possible values |
true Default |
false |
// Turn the inventory levels notification off
[wps_products show_inventory_levels="false"]
Determines the threshold for showing the "left in stock" inventory notice. For example, if set to 10
, the plugin will not show the left in stock notice until the variant's inventory drops to 9
This works best if your variant has the Track quantity feature enabled.
Possible values |
Any positive number. Default 10 |
// Only show the notice if there are 4 left in stock
[wps_products left_in_stock_threshold="4"]
Determines whether to cache the html template response. This is only useful if you're using the html_template feature. By default, the plugin will not attempt to cache these templates.
Possible values |
true |
false Default |
// Only show the notice if there are 4 left in stock
[wps_products left_in_stock_threshold="4"]
Determines the product's max container width. Useful for making your layout wider or more narrow.
Possible values |
Any valid pixel amount. Default 1300px |
// Make a narrow layout
[wps_products container_width="600px"]
Determines the number of columns to show on mobile. By default, products will stack on-top of each other in one column.
Possible values |
Any valid number. Default 1 |
// Make a two column mobile layout
[wps_products mobile_columns="2"]
Allows for selecting the first product variant on page load. This will only work with products that have one "option" to choose from. For example, it will work with a product that provides a color option, but not with products that provide color and size.
Note: this will only select variants that are "in stock".
Possible values |
true |
false Default |
// Automatically select the first product variant on page load
[wps_products select_first_variant="true"]
Determines whether to reset the variant selections after adding to cart.
Possible values |
true Default |
false |
// Keep the variants selected, even after adding to cart
[wps_products reset_variants_after_adding="false"]
Determines whether to show a sorting / filtering dropdown above the products. This will allow users to filter the products similar to the Storefront component.
Possible values |
true |
false Default |
[wps_products with_sorting="true"]
Determines whether to show a page size dropdown above the products. This will allow users to change how many products show per page.
Possible values |
true |
false Default |
[wps_products with_page_size="true"]
Determines the button text that shows after adding to cart. By default, the text says: Added
Possible values |
Any valid string |
[wps_products after_added_text="Added to cart"]
Allows for customizing the "clear selections" text that shows when selecting product variants.
Possible values |
Any valid string |
// Customize the clear selections text
[wps_products clear_selections_text="Reset selections"]
Allows for customizing the "quantity step" for the product quantity input. This allows you to force the input to increment by the number provided. For example, if you set this to three
, each time the user increments it will do so by threes: 3, 6, 9, etc.
Possible values |
Any valid number. Default 1 |
// Force users to purchase the product in quantities of two
[wps_products quantity_step="2"]
Allows for setting the option names that the plugin looks for to generate the automatic color swatches.
For more information on how this works, see the using color swatches guide.
Possible values |
An array of option names. Default: ['color'] |
add_filter('shopwp_products_default_payload_settings', function ($settings) {
$settings['color_swatch_names'] = ['fabric', 'color']
return $settings
Allows for customizing the image zoom options. The plugin uses the Drift library created by Imgix.
For a full list of available options, reference the Drift docs here.
add_filter('image_zoom_options', function ($settings) {
$settings['image_zoom_options'] = [
'zoomFactor' => 3
return $settings
Determines whether to show the "sale" notice on product images.
Possible values |
true Default |
false |
// Hide the sale notice
[wps_products show_sale_notice="false"]
Determines whether to show the "out of stock" notice on products
Possible values |
true Default |
false |
// Hide the out of stock notice
[wps_products show_out_of_stock_notice="false"]
Allows for customizing the product placeholder image.
add_filter('shopwp_products_default_payload_settings', function($settings) {
$settings['image_placeholder'] = plugin_dir_url(dirname(__FILE__)) . 'public/imgs/placeholder.png');
return $settings;
Allows for adding a custom class name to the product title
Possible values |
Any valid class name |
[wps_products title_class_name="my-custom-class-name"]
Allows for customizing the text shown when a product is unavailable to purchase.
Possible values |
Any valid string |
[wps_products notice_unavailable_text="This is a custom message"]
Allows for customizing the color of the "load more" button
Possible values |
Any valid CSS string |
[wps_products pagination_load_more_button_color="#FFFFFF"]
Allows for customizing the "load more" button text shown for product pagination.
Possible values |
Any valid string |
[wps_products pagination_load_more_text="Custom load more text"]
Allows for customizing the "out of stock" message shown. Defaults to: Out of stock. Please try selecting a different variant combination.
Possible values |
Any valid string |
[wps_products out_of_stock_notice_text="Custom out of stock message"]
Allows for customizing the "sale" label text displayed on the product images. Defaults to: Sale!
Possible values |
Any valid string |
[wps_products sale_label_text="Custom sale text"]
Allows for customizing the "sold out" label text. Defaults to: Sold out
Possible values |
Any valid string |
[wps_products sold_out_image_label_text="Custom sold out text"]
Customizes the background-color
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS color (Default: #14273b ) |
// Set the button color to black
[wps_products title_color="#000"]
// Set the button color to red
[wps_products title_color="red"]
Customizes the font-family
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS font family value. See a full list here |
[wps_products title_type_font_family="Helvetica"]
Customizes the font-size
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS font size value. See a full list here |
// Set the size in pixels
[wps_products title_type_font_size="24px"]
// Set the size in ems
[wps_products title_type_font_size="2em"]
Customizes the font-style
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS font style value. See a full list here |
// Set the text to italic
[wps_products title_type_font_style="italic"]
Customizes the font-weight
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS font weight value. See a full list here |
// Set the text to bold
[wps_products title_type_font_style="bold"]
// Set the text to an ultra light weight
[wps_products title_type_font_style="100"]
Customizes the letter-spacing
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS letter spacing value. See a full list here |
// Set the letter spacing using ems
[wps_products title_type_letter_spacing="1em"]
// Set the letter spacing using pixels
[wps_products title_type_letter_spacing="2px"]
Customizes the line-height
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS line height value. See a full list here |
// Set the line height to a relative value
[wps_products title_type_line_height="2"]
// Set the line height using pixels
[wps_products title_type_line_height="10px"]
Customizes the text-decoration
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS text decoration value. See a full list here |
// Set the text to underline
[wps_products title_type_text_decoration="underline"]
// Set the text to wavy overline
[wps_products title_type_text_decoration="wavy overline"]
Customizes the text-transform
of the product's add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS text transform value. See a full list here |
// Set the text to underline
[wps_products title_type_text_decoration="underline"]
// Set the text to wavy overline
[wps_products title_type_text_decoration="wavy overline"]
Customizes the background-color
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS color (Default: #14273b ) |
// Set the button color to black
[wps_products pricing_color="#000"]
// Set the button color to red
[wps_products pricing_color="red"]
Customizes the font-family
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS font family value. See a full list here |
[wps_products pricing_type_font_family="Helvetica"]
Customizes the font-size
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS font size value. See a full list here |
// Set the size in pixels
[wps_products pricing_type_font_size="24px"]
// Set the size in ems
[wps_products pricing_type_font_size="2em"]
Customizes the font-style
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS font style value. See a full list here |
// Set the text to italic
[wps_products pricing_type_font_style="italic"]
Customizes the font-weight
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS font weight value. See a full list here |
// Set the text to bold
[wps_products pricing_type_font_style="bold"]
// Set the text to an ultra light weight
[wps_products pricing_type_font_style="100"]
Customizes the letter-spacing
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS letter spacing value. See a full list here |
// Set the letter spacing using ems
[wps_products pricing_type_letter_spacing="1em"]
// Set the letter spacing using pixels
[wps_products pricing_type_letter_spacing="2px"]
Customizes the line-height
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS line height value. See a full list here |
// Set the line height to a relative value
[wps_products pricing_type_line_height="2"]
// Set the line height using pixels
[wps_products pricing_type_line_height="10px"]
Customizes the text-decoration
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS text decoration value. See a full list here |
// Set the text to underline
[wps_products pricing_type_text_decoration="underline"]
// Set the text to wavy overline
[wps_products pricing_type_text_decoration="wavy overline"]
Customizes the text-transform
of the product's add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS text transform value. See a full list here |
// Set the text to underline
[wps_products pricing_type_text_decoration="underline"]
// Set the text to wavy overline
[wps_products pricing_type_text_decoration="wavy overline"]
Customizes the background-color
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS color (Default: #14273b ) |
// Set the button color to black
[wps_products description_color="#000"]
// Set the button color to red
[wps_products description_color="red"]
Customizes the font-family
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS font family value. See a full list here |
[wps_products description_type_font_family="Helvetica"]
Customizes the font-size
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS font size value. See a full list here |
// Set the size in pixels
[wps_products description_type_font_size="24px"]
// Set the size in ems
[wps_products description_type_font_size="2em"]
Customizes the font-style
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS font style value. See a full list here |
// Set the text to italic
[wps_products description_type_font_style="italic"]
Customizes the font-weight
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS font weight value. See a full list here |
// Set the text to bold
[wps_products description_type_font_style="bold"]
// Set the text to an ultra light weight
[wps_products description_type_font_style="100"]
Customizes the letter-spacing
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS letter spacing value. See a full list here |
// Set the letter spacing using ems
[wps_products description_type_letter_spacing="1em"]
// Set the letter spacing using pixels
[wps_products description_type_letter_spacing="2px"]
Customizes the line-height
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS line height value. See a full list here |
// Set the line height to a relative value
[wps_products description_type_line_height="2"]
// Set the line height using pixels
[wps_products description_type_line_height="10px"]
Customizes the text-decoration
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS text decoration value. See a full list here |
// Set the text to underline
[wps_products description_type_text_decoration="underline"]
// Set the text to wavy overline
[wps_products description_type_text_decoration="wavy overline"]
Customizes the text-transform
of the product's add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS text transform value. See a full list here |
// Set the text to underline
[wps_products description_type_text_decoration="underline"]
// Set the text to wavy overline
[wps_products description_type_text_decoration="wavy overline"]
Customizes the text color of a variant dropdown menu
Possible values |
Any valid CSS color (Default: #14273b ) |
// Set the text color to black
[wps_products variant_dropdown_button_text_color="#000"]
// Set the text color to red
[wps_products variant_dropdown_button_text_color="red"]
Customizes the font-family
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS font family value. See a full list here |
[wps_products variant_dropdown_type_font_family="Helvetica"]
Customizes the font-size
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS font size value. See a full list here |
// Set the size in pixels
[wps_products variant_dropdown_type_font_size="24px"]
// Set the size in ems
[wps_products variant_dropdown_type_font_size="2em"]
Customizes the font-style
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS font style value. See a full list here |
// Set the text to italic
[wps_products variant_dropdown_type_font_style="italic"]
Customizes the font-weight
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS font weight value. See a full list here |
// Set the text to bold
[wps_products variant_dropdown_type_font_style="bold"]
// Set the text to an ultra light weight
[wps_products variant_dropdown_type_font_style="100"]
Customizes the letter-spacing
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS letter spacing value. See a full list here |
// Set the letter spacing using ems
[wps_products variant_dropdown_type_letter_spacing="1em"]
// Set the letter spacing using pixels
[wps_products variant_dropdown_type_letter_spacing="2px"]
Customizes the line-height
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS line height value. See a full list here |
// Set the line height to a relative value
[wps_products variant_dropdown_type_line_height="2"]
// Set the line height using pixels
[wps_products variant_dropdown_type_line_height="10px"]
Customizes the text-decoration
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS text decoration value. See a full list here |
// Set the text to underline
[wps_products variant_dropdown_type_text_decoration="underline"]
// Set the text to wavy overline
[wps_products variant_dropdown_type_text_decoration="wavy overline"]
Customizes the text-transform
of the product's add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS text transform value. See a full list here |
// Set the text to underline
[wps_products variant_dropdown_type_text_decoration="underline"]
// Set the text to wavy overline
[wps_products variant_dropdown_type_text_decoration="wavy overline"]
Determines the variant dropdown color. Default: #52a7a6
Possible values |
Any valid CSS color |
[wps_products variant_dropdown_button_color="#000"]
Determines the buy button text. Default: Add to cart
Possible values |
Any text string |
[wps_products add_to_cart_button_text="Add to bag"]
Determines the buy button text color. Default: #FFFFFF
Possible values |
Any valid CSS color |
[wps_products add_to_cart_button_text_color="#000"]
Customizes the background-color
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS color (Default: #14273b ) |
// Set the button color to black
[wps_products add_to_cart_button_color="#000"]
// Set the button color to red
[wps_products add_to_cart_button_color="red"]
Customizes the font-family
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS font family value. See a full list here |
[wps_products add_to_cart_button_type_font_family="Helvetica"]
Customizes the font-size
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS font size value. See a full list here |
// Set the size in pixels
[wps_products add_to_cart_button_type_font_size="24px"]
// Set the size in ems
[wps_products add_to_cart_button_type_font_size="2em"]
Customizes the font-style
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS font style value. See a full list here |
// Set the text to italic
[wps_products add_to_cart_button_type_font_style="italic"]
Customizes the font-weight
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS font weight value. See a full list here |
// Set the text to bold
[wps_products add_to_cart_button_type_font_style="bold"]
// Set the text to an ultra light weight
[wps_products add_to_cart_button_type_font_style="100"]
Customizes the letter-spacing
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS letter spacing value. See a full list here |
// Set the letter spacing using ems
[wps_products add_to_cart_button_type_letter_spacing="1em"]
// Set the letter spacing using pixels
[wps_products add_to_cart_button_type_letter_spacing="2px"]
Customizes the line-height
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS line height value. See a full list here |
// Set the line height to a relative value
[wps_products add_to_cart_button_type_line_height="2"]
// Set the line height using pixels
[wps_products add_to_cart_button_type_line_height="10px"]
Customizes the text-decoration
of an add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS text decoration value. See a full list here |
// Set the text to underline
[wps_products add_to_cart_button_type_text_decoration="underline"]
// Set the text to wavy overline
[wps_products add_to_cart_button_type_text_decoration="wavy overline"]
Customizes the text-transform
of the product's add to cart button.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS text transform value. See a full list here |
// Set the text to underline
[wps_products add_to_cart_button_type_text_decoration="underline"]
// Set the text to wavy overline
[wps_products add_to_cart_button_type_text_decoration="wavy overline"]
Allows for whitelisting product metafields to be returned in the JavaScript payload
You will need to construct a JavaScript array that contains one or more objects with a namespace
and key
value pair. Like this:
[{ namespace: "custom", key: "hello" }]
You will then need to pass this array into a base64 encoder.
After you have the final base64 string, you can pass it to the shortcode like this:
[wps_products product_metafields="W3sgbmFtZXNwYWNlOiAiY3VzdG9tIiwga2V5OiAiaGVsbG8iIH1d"]
(The W3sgbmFtZXNwYWNlOiAiY3VzdG9tIiwga2V5OiAiaGVsbG8iIH1d part is a Base64 encoded string in this format:)
Possible values |
A valid base64 encoded array of metafield values |
[wps_products product_metafields="W3sgbmFtZXNwYWNlOiAiY3VzdG9tIiwga2V5OiAiaGVsbG8iIH1d"]
Allows for whitelisting product variant metafields to be returned in the JavaScript payload.
You will need to construct a JavaScript array that contains one or more objects with a namespace
and key
value pair. Like this:
[{ namespace: "custom", key: "hello" }]
You will then need to pass this array into a base64 encoder.
After you have the final base64 string, you can pass it to the shortcode like this:
[wps_products product_variant_metafields="W3sgbmFtZXNwYWNlOiAiY3VzdG9tIiwga2V5OiAiaGVsbG8iIH1d"]
(The W3sgbmFtZXNwYWNlOiAiY3VzdG9tIiwga2V5OiAiaGVsbG8iIH1d part is a Base64 encoded string in this format:)
Possible values |
A valid base64 encoded array of metafield values |
[wps_products product_variant_metafields="W3sgbmFtZXNwYWNlOiAiY3VzdG9tIiwga2V5OiAiaGVsbG8iIH1d"]
Customizes where the product title should display. This is useful if you want the title to show somewhere else in your layout.
When using any "dropzone" attribute, you'll want to create a dedicated HTML element for the target to render inside. You'll then pass a CSS selector to the dropzone attribute which points to this HTML element. See the example below.
The HTML element you specify will be completely emptied and replaced with the load more component.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS selector (Default: false ) |
// Add the html element somewhere in your layout
<div id="title-container"></div>
// Will display the product title inside the HTML element <div id="title-container"></div>
[wps_products dropzone_product_title="#title-container"]
Customizes where the product pricing component should display. This is useful if you want the pricing to show somewhere else in your layout.
When using any "dropzone" attribute, you'll want to create a dedicated HTML element for the target to render inside. You'll then pass a CSS selector to the dropzone attribute which points to this HTML element. See the example below.
The HTML element you specify will be completely emptied and replaced with the load more component.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS selector (Default: false ) |
// Add the html element somewhere in your layout
<div id="pricing-container"></div>
// Will display the product pricing inside the HTML element <div id="pricing-container"></div>
[wps_products dropzone_product_pricing="#pricing-container"]
Customizes where the product description component should display. This is useful if you want the description to show somewhere else in your layout.
When using any "dropzone" attribute, you'll want to create a dedicated HTML element for the target to render inside. You'll then pass a CSS selector to the dropzone attribute which points to this HTML element. See the example below.
The HTML element you specify will be completely emptied and replaced with the load more component.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS selector (Default: false ) |
// Add the html element somewhere in your layout
<div id="description-container"></div>
// Will display the product description inside the HTML element <div id="description-container"></div>
[wps_products dropzone_product_description="#description-container"]
Customizes where the product images component should display. This is useful if you want the images to show somewhere else in your layout.
When using any "dropzone" attribute, you'll want to create a dedicated HTML element for the target to render inside. You'll then pass a CSS selector to the dropzone attribute which points to this HTML element. See the example below.
The HTML element you specify will be completely emptied and replaced with the load more component.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS selector (Default: false ) |
// Add the html element somewhere in your layout
<div id="gallery-container"></div>
// Will display the product gallery inside the HTML element <div id="gallery-container"></div>
[wps_products dropzone_product_gallery="#gallery-container"]
Customizes where the product buy button component should display. This is useful if you want the buy button to show somewhere else in your layout.
When using any "dropzone" attribute, you'll want to create a dedicated HTML element for the target to render inside. You'll then pass a CSS selector to the dropzone attribute which points to this HTML element. See the example below.
The HTML element you specify will be completely emptied and replaced with the load more component.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS selector (Default: false ) |
// Add the html element somewhere in your layout
<div id="buy-button-container"></div>
// Will display the product buy button inside the HTML element <div id="buy-button-container"></div>
[wps_products dropzone_product_buy_button="#buy-button-container"]
When pagination
is set to true, this allows for specifying a custom location in the DOM to place the pagination "load more" control component. Takes any valid CSS selector. When set to false, the load more button will be placed directly below the products output. Default: false
The HTML element you specify will be completely emptied and replaced with the load more component.
Possible values |
Any valid CSS selector (Default: false ) |
// Add the html element somewhere in your layout
<div id="my-custom-load-more-container"></div>
[wps_products dropzone_load_more="#my-custom-load-more-container"]