The [wps_collections]
shortcode will display one or more collections in a grid. By default, each collection will link to a detail page containing the products that belong to it. You can optionally show the products that belong to each collection as well by using the collections_excludes
If you wish to customize the products that show with a collection, just add any attribute from the products shortcode.
Example Usage​
[wps_collections sort_by="lowest_price" limit="10"]
Available Attributes​
Displays collections based on one or more collection title(s).
Possible values |
Any valid Shopify collection title, separated by comma |
Example: Filter collections by a single title
[wps_collections collections_title="Featured"]
Example: Show two collections
[wps_collections collections_title="Featured, Games"]
When filtering by title, ShopWP does not apply strict equality. It will return any collection that "contains" the word. So if you have more than one collection with the same group of words in the title, both will be returned.
If you want to filter by a strict equality, use the collections_query
attribute instead and pass in a Shopify collection id.
Allows you to construct your own query based on the Shopify search syntax.
Possible values |
Any valid Shopify search criteria |
[wps_collections collections_query="id:159099748452 OR id:159100010596"]
Display collections based on the date it was updated. Must use an ISO 8601 format. Default: false
. Example can be found based on orders.
Possible values |
Any valid ISO 8601 date |
[wps_collections collections_updated_at="2019-02-21 03:16:41"]
The "connective" attribute determines how the collections are found when combining other shortcode attributes. For example when set to and
, every provided attribute must match the searched collections. With or
, any provided attribute will return the matched collections. Default: or
Possible values |
and |
or |
// collections with either title will show
[wps_collections collections_title="Awesome collection, Even better collection" collections_connective="or"]
Determines the collections sort order. Corresponds to the Shopify Storefront API. Default: title
Values |
title |
updated_at |
[wps_collections collections_sort_by="title"]
Reverses the order that the collections are displayed in
Default: false
// Smallest to largest (A to Z) (old to new)
[wps_collections collections_sort_by="title" collections_reverse="true"]
Determines the number of collections to show per page. Only applicable when pagination is turned on. Will default to the plugin's global "products per page" setting.
Possible values |
Any number |
// Shows 4 collections per page
[wps_collections collections_page_size="4"]
Displays any single collection based on collection ID.
Possible values |
Any numeric Shopify collection id |
[wps_collections collections_id="123456789"]
Limits the number of collections. Max allowed is 250
Default: 10
Values |
Any number |
// Shows up to 250 at any time
[wps_collections collections_limit="25"]
// Only show one
[wps_collections collections_limit="1"]
Determines how many collections will appear in each row.
Possible values |
Any text string |
[wps_collections collections_items_per_row="5"]
Allows for excluding certain collection components like the title or products. Takes a comma separated string of values. Default value products
Possible values |
image |
title |
description |
products |
[wps_collections collections_excludes="title, description"]
Determines whether to hide or show pagination.
Possible values |
true |
false |
[wps_collections collections_pagination="false"]
When pagination is set to true, this allows for specifying a custom location in the DOM to place the pagination "load more" control component for collections. Takes any valid CSS selector. When set to false, the load more button will be placed directly below the products output. Default: false
The HTML element specified will be completely emptied and replaced with the load more component.
[wps_collections collections_dropzone_load_more="#my-custom-load-more-container"]
When single is set to true, this allows for specifying a custom location in the DOM to place the collection title. Takes any valid CSS selector.
The HTML element specified will be completely emptied and replaced with the load more component.
[wps_collections single="true" collections_dropzone_collection_title="#title-container"]
When single is set to true, this allows for specifying a custom location in the DOM to place the collection image. Takes any valid CSS selector.
The HTML element specified will be completely emptied and replaced with the load more component.
[wps_collections single="true" collections_dropzone_collection_image="#image-container"]
When single is set to true, this allows for specifying a custom location in the DOM to place the collection description. Takes any valid CSS selector.
The HTML element specified will be completely emptied and replaced with the load more component.
[wps_collections single="true" collections_dropzone_collection_description="#description-container"]
When single is set to true, this allows for specifying a custom location in the DOM to place the collection products. Takes any valid CSS selector.
The HTML element specified will be completely emptied and replaced with the load more component.
[wps_collections single="true" collections_dropzone_collection_products="#products-container"]
collections_infinite_scroll` (Pro only​
When turned on, the next page of collections will automatically append to the container. Only works when pagination is used.
Possible values |
true |
false |
[wps_collections collections_infinite_scroll="true"]
collections_infinite_scroll_offset` (Pro only​
Determines the offset from the edge of the collections container. For example, a value of -100
will begin loading additional collections 100px before the end of the collections container. Offset can be a positive or negative value.
Possible values |
Any positive or negative number |
[wps_collections collections_infinite_scroll_offset="-100"]