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Useful JS Snippets

Below are some useful JS snippets that you can add to your WordPress theme to customize ShopWP

Add a custom input above the buy button to pass to the cart

This code does two things. It adds a custom "Special instructions" input above any product buy button. If a user adds a value to this input, the value will then get passed to the line item and eventually the Shopify order.

	function (defaultAttributes, variant, quantity, buyButtonState, buttonRef) {
		var $parentWrapper = jQuery(buttonRef).closest('.swp-item')

		var $inputElement = $parentWrapper.find(
			'.special-instructions-wrapper input'
		var inputVal = $inputElement.val()

		if (!$inputElement.length) {
			return defaultAttributes

		if (!inputVal) {
			return defaultAttributes

		return [
				key: 'Special instructions',
				value: inputVal,

	function (defaultValue, productState) {
		return `
		.special-instructions-wrapper {
			display: flex;
			flex-direction: column;
			margin-bottom: 20px;

		.special-instructions-wrapper label {
			font-weight: bold;
	<div class="special-instructions-wrapper">
		<label for="instructions">Enter special instructions:</label>
		<input type="text" id="instructions" name="instructions" placeholder="Your instructions go here" />